I got a call from Direct Funeral Services and the first thought that accosted my mind was if the client wanted me to shoot the dead..
I totally understand that every obituary should have a decent photograph and was willing to retouch any old, tattered photo of the deceased, for their loved ones to use for ads but if the request was otherwise, then it would be somewhat of a morbid challenge.
Still, I carried on with the call ( fingers-crossed ) and it turned out that their team needed a revamp of their images for their website.
Their managing director, Ms Jenny Tay, turned out to be quite a looker. Graceful, articulate with a sense of humour to boot, we kicked it off from the start. The set took close to 5 hours to complete and by the end of it, we were so pooped that she had to return to do the preview.
I was elated that she liked my work and even got her dad, founder of Direct Funeral Services, Roland Tay , and their Business Development Manager, Darren, to come get their shots done at Beautybox.
I totally understand that every obituary should have a decent photograph and was willing to retouch any old, tattered photo of the deceased, for their loved ones to use for ads but if the request was otherwise, then it would be somewhat of a morbid challenge.
Still, I carried on with the call ( fingers-crossed ) and it turned out that their team needed a revamp of their images for their website.
Their managing director, Ms Jenny Tay, turned out to be quite a looker. Graceful, articulate with a sense of humour to boot, we kicked it off from the start. The set took close to 5 hours to complete and by the end of it, we were so pooped that she had to return to do the preview.
I was elated that she liked my work and even got her dad, founder of Direct Funeral Services, Roland Tay , and their Business Development Manager, Darren, to come get their shots done at Beautybox.